Margaret Good and Vern Buchanan Meet in Only Debate of Campaign, Good Underscores High Number of Retirees in District at Higher Risk for COVID → October 30, 2020 Noah Listgarten
Margaret Good Highlights Her Work to Improve Water Quality, Opposes Self-Serving Vern Buchanan → October 30, 2020 Noah Listgarten
Margaret Good Launches New Ad, Highlight's Buchanan's Votes Against Health Care and Stimulus → October 23, 2020 Noah Listgarten
Margaret Good Says Trump's Road to a Second Term Can End in Florida on Morning Joe → October 16, 2020 Noah Listgarten
Tampa Bay Times Endorses Margaret Good, Cites Focus on Health Care and Environment → October 16, 2020 Noah Listgarten
Margaret Good Totals $2.7 Million for Race, Says “Voters of the 16th District are ready for change." → October 2, 2020 Jacob Rudolph
FL District 16: On the short list of flippable congressional races critical to Democrats → September 26, 2020 Jacob Rudolph