Left of Center is proud to announce our first endorsement, for Mike Espy for U.S. Senate.
We wholeheartedly support his platform of protecting Social Security and Medicare, making sure no one is denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition, and keeping rural hospitals open. We believe Mississippi can and should elect Mike Espy to the United States Senate this Tuesday, and are strongly encouraged that Mike Espy has the right work ethic and attitude to become the first Democrat to represent Mississippi in the United States Senate in nearly 40 years.
We have grave concern over the record of his Republican opponent, Cindy Hyde-Smith, who has demonstrated a lifelong pattern of support for racial discrimination and refusal to condemn racism. She has said she would sit in the front row at a public hanging, expressed support for making it harder for students from liberal colleges to vote, and has posed for photographs wearing a Confederate uniform and carrying a Civil War rifle. We are encouraged by the corporate donors who have asked for their money back, including AT&T, Walmart, Boston Scientific, and Union Pacific.
Also deeply troubling is Cindy Hyde-Smith’s platform, which includes absolute adherence to the Trump agenda, without room for doing what is best for all of Mississippi. In a time where there have been unprecedented attacks on freedom of the press, elected officials must show their respect for the people they represent and the Constitution. Instead, Interim Sen. Hyde-Smith excluded both citizens of Mississippi and members of the press from the one debate she agreed to and sent a surrogate to answer questions from the press afterward.
There are a record number of applications for absentee ballots and growing support for Mike Espy as someone with an economic platform which includes paid family leave, increasing the minimum wage, and raising the earned income tax credit, all measures proven to strengthen and expand opportunity for working families. There is a clear contrast between Mike Espy’s pro-Mississippi agenda and Cindy Hyde-Smith’s divisive and racist positions which pose a real threat to the economic well-being of Mississippi.
Electing Cindy Hyde-Smith to the United States Senate would be a stain on Mississippi and on the United States of America. Left of Center believes that all people are created equal, and that we must never tolerate discrimination of any kind. Mike Espy’s record of supporting voting rights, civil rights, and equal protection under the law show that he will be a strong defender of Constitutional rights as United States Senator.
Left of Center is proud to support Mississippi Democrats as they fight to be represented by someone who will speak well of their state, and who they can count on to support all working families. We endorse Mike Espy for United States Senate.
Written by Left of Center Co-founder Deb Kozikowski