What's It Gonna Take To Win


Zone coverage is how to describe our overall strategy for the 2024 election cycle. There’s no other way to put it: we are going into unfriendly territory to find under-represented Democratic voters who don't hear a lot from Democratic campaigns is our priority. Idle voters hear plenty from the Republicans, but not from Democrats. We've put in motion targeting strategies to find and deliver votes in underperforming congressional districts in key presidential and senate battleground states where we have on-the-ground experience, the voter contact infrastructure and local partners to develop strong connections with often neglected Democratic voters.

Check out these top targets and donate to our cause.


In 2020 and 2021, we were able to identify and reach minority voters in the reddest of counties in Georgia that were essential in moving the state purple and delivering some very close victories. Folks were not used to meeting and hearing from Democrats in some rural red parts of Georgia, but they heard from us four years ago during a pandemic and they will again through election day in November. We're part of an innovative voter outreach partnership that will help Democrats to keep winning in Georgia.


A must-win state if Democrats are going to maintain the paper-thin margin in the Senate, no votes can be left at home in Montana. There are more than 70,000 Native American adult votes in Montana. We are part of a coalition effort reaching, registering and turning out the biggest Native American voter turnout in Montana history. It requires targeted Native American voter outreach and native-to-native contact by trained canvassers. Jon Tester is needed in the US Senate. Democrats are fighting mighty headwinds. MAGA Republicans at the state and local levels are trying to put in place 11th-hour restrictions to suppress the Native American vote. This fight will be at the ballot box and the courts before this election is decided.

North Carolina

North Carolina is again our focus this year. Although we've operated in North Carolina in the past with some success, circumstances have made the Tar Heel State a very real target of opportunity this cycle. Reaching Black voters is essential, but there is also a Native American vote that if motivated can put the Democrats over the top statewide. Robeson County, home of the Lumbee tribe, has long vexed Democrats. Republicans have ignored the tribe's plea for federal recognition, yet many Lumbee still vote for GOP candidates. Epic voter outreach and a strong campaign of persuasion is critical to finding hidden votes in areas the Republicans take for granted.

Your support is needed and appreciated to make these goals a reality. Every little bit means we reach more voters. At Left of Center we know how to make your contributions go a very long way.

Thank you and let's win this together,

Deb and Mara